The Official John Johnson Website

T h e   O f f i c i a l   B i o g r a p h y   o f   J o h n   J o h n s o n

W e l c o m e !

Well, I see you have found your way to my BIO page, over on the right you will find some fast facts as well as my links. Just a quick little something about me, I started out in 1993 training at the North Georgia Wrestling Academy in Norcross, Georgia. I was officially trained by Jim Reneau, who is a world reknowned karate expert and has done work in films as well as choreography for TLC's No Scrubs video. I was one of a few students at the school, but had some pretty interesting teachers, such as the Cole Twins from WCW, New Jack and Mustafa, as well as Joel Deaton. I was only 16 and totally at awe at getting a chance to "leave the dream". In late 1994 I decided to take a break from the business to concentrate on school, as well as my first son. In 1997, I finally got back into the business I love, although it was by complete accident.

As fate would have it, I was on my way to an early morning shift in October of 1997, when I had a pretty serious automobile accident. I was pretty lucky, but not lucky enough. The injuries to my back and neck were enough to keep me out of work for several months. At the house and bored out of my mind, I seen an advertisement for a show in Atlanta, that fetured some of the guys who I had trained with as well as met during my first run in the business. I got in at the right time. It seems that some of the group was breaking away, and starting their own thing. I learned very early in my career, that I wasn't going to be a wrestler. In fact I had refereed mainly with one or two manager spots. Since these required some bumping, I went ahead and started at the bottom. I worked as support staff as well as a photographer for War Zone Wrestling. A friend of mine and I decided to also start the newsletter for the company. During this time I learned a ton about promoting from Ruckus. I also was able to make some good friends along the way and that gave me the opening to move ahead in the next chapter of my career.

After War Zone shut down in the Spring of 1998, I moved on to the MWA ran by Homicide(Murder One) and John Doe. I would still work support but would also move back into a role as referee, my first time doing any kind of ring work since 1994. MWA lasted about 6 months before the IWU ran by Don Lewis came along, and eventually the two merged. In the IWU, I worked as a heel referee, which was fun. Then one night it happened, the thing I wanted to do most, work as a heel announcer.

Brad Storm is the guy I have to thank for getting me my announcer spot. If he hadn't walked out of the IWU, I would probably still be a referee. I have always enjoyed talking, and thats what I get to do now. I have worked as an announcer and heel manager every where in the southeast that I have been privilaged to work. I had two seperate runs with the IWU, both ended due to poor management and a company I saw going nowhere but down. I was able to work pretty consistentaly around the southeast. I was a lead play by play guy for the NAWA when they were producing tv and home videos, and that got me to NWA-Wildside. The place where anyone wo works in Georgia wants to be. I have been used as the Owner of the Friday Night Franchise, as well as a fill in commentator for the TV product. At the age of 28, and with 12 years under my belt, I feel happy with what I have done, and can't wait for the next chapter to begin.


A p p e a r a n c e s

NWA Wildside Friday Night Franchise: Every Firday Cornelia,Ga
NWA Wildside's Last Rites April 30 Cornelia, Ga

Fast Facts

John "the Body" Johnson

Height: 6'

Weight: 275lbs

Hometown: Orlando, Fl

Years in the Business: 12

Feds worked: Many throughout the Southeast including: NWA-Wildside, XWC, NWF, NAWA, AWN, CCW, IWU and many more


Bobby "the Brain" Heenan (quite possibly the greatest manager in wrestling history and the inspiration to a ton of my work.

Gordon Solie: Anyone who watched wrestling growing up, knows of or has been privilaged enough to hear Gordon call a match. I try to work in a Gordon reference here and there

My parents: They have always supported me through my whacky and sometimes poor decision making. Yet no matter if I succeed or if I fail they are always there for me.


- NWA-Wildside
- Iceberg Slim
- Main Event Gear
- 1 Wrestling
- Nigel Sherrod
- Jen Holbrook
- Chae(former Nitro Girl)
- Brent Silver
- The Big Shoot
- Jimmy Rave
- New Jack
- Mikal Adryan
- Matt Sells
- Skeeter Frost
- 790 The Zone
- Major League Baseball
- Official FSU Athletic Site
- The Dallas Cowboys
- The Atlanta Braves

C o n t a c t

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